Testing Zoom

We’re testing zoom today. This will not be an HOA business meeting, but more a social meeting to share how we’re coping with changes to our lives due to Covid-19. I hope we get to practice Zoom well. Play with it’s features, so that if we end up using it for board meetings there are no surprises.

Install zoom app first if you haven’t already at https://zoom.us/download

Then once the app is installed click https://zoom.us/j/224444785

Or join Meeting ID: 224 444 785

There may be a 40 minute limit. If it kicks us out after 40 minutes, I want to take a 5 minute intermission and then recommect. If we can not rejoin 224444785 then I have created a contingency meeting room below:

Backup: https://zoom.us/j/135010977 Meeting ID: 135 010 977