Door to door salesman checklist

Keep a notepad by the door or ideally start recording on your phone before opening door.  A ‘Smart Doorbell’ like Ring or SkyBell can also record when someone’s at the door — handy if you hate writing things down. [Example]

Ask for a business card, or record the spelling of their name and employer.

Door to door salesmen aka ‘Transient Merchants’ within the City of Merriam are regulated by Merriam Code of Ordinances, Chapter 13, Article 3.  The State of Kansas also regulates Transient Merchants.

They must wear a photo ID card from the City of Merriam on the exterior of their clothing.  Ask to see it and verify their face and name, and that it is not expired. The card is city property and public record.  Photograph it for reference if you like.

Take note of endorsements they ascribe from any of us, claims that seem unlikely.  Their license can be revoked if they make any false statements, or refuse to leave when asked, amongst other reasons.

Report violations to the non-emergency Merriam PD number: (913) 322-5560 during the day or (913) 782-0720 after-hours.